We have been insuring since 1928” is the proudly statement of Mr. Attilio Steffano, chairman of Steffano Group. His name is the same of his grandfather Attilio, who started 85 years ago the insurance profession, which became the family commitment, as INA Assicurazioni dependent agent.

Roots are the milestone from which every history begins, writing pages of experience and competence.

Once upon a time…” the individual policies written by Attilio Steffano, the founder of the Steffano dynasty,  to cover in the last century agricultural risks and pension plan for several farmers in Lombardia. Many years later the Steffano family moved to Milan where  there was, and still is, the hearth of insurance Companies and the economical Italian power concentration.

Steffano Group published in 2013 the book “Polizze&Persone (Policies&People)-History and Future” delivering  to the next generations of insurers how success and reliability can be combined in insurance.

Growth means increase of results and competence, both are essential ingredients of any insurance recipe.

A tailored solution follows any problem” was the reason for which Attilio Steffano, the contemporary, decided in 2008 to lean toward independent brokerage service.

In addition of this he decided to explore the complex market segment of medical liability.

Becoming wholesale broker to provide specialized liability coverage for other Agents and unspecialized Brokers was the original mission of the company owned by Attilio.



  • Over 63.000 managed policies

  • Over € 25.000.000,00  written premium

  • Over 60 people employed

  • Over 1.500 insurance partners

  • 22° classified in domestic brokerage ranking (Asefi 2013)

  • 25 Companies agreements

Assimedici is the Group Company specialized in medical liability policies and its portfolio share is 80%.

The philosophy of the Group is:

1.   Create New Value by Anticipating the Future Needs of Customers

The daily confidence with the medical world supports and enlarge the knowledge necessary to better understand the customer’s needs.

Updating the policies wording as a consequence of Courts verdicts is the first priority of all members of the technical staff, in order to guarantee the right coverage for the right risk.

2.   Think and Act Globally

Exploring new market opportunities is a goal to achieve a good alternative placement performance, being able to move towards new solutions and leading underwriters.

Testing and adopting any kind of best available practice is the necessary tool to introduce new technology on a web platform to manage and account the portfolio and increase the fast quote capability through specialized Apps.

3.   Be a Flexible and Dynamic Group

Being a scout of new market growing segments encourage the introduction of new dedicated brands which anticipate new specialized companies opportunity.

4.   Offer continuous training and learning programs

The historical cooperation with the Milan University-Medical and Legal Dept.-supports high level of cultural events, seminars and training program offered to all the network partners.

In addition of this Assimedici produces books, manuals and monothematic digest with reference of all news, court verdicts and legal opinions strictly referred to medical liability.

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www.assimedici.it E-mail info@assimedici.it PEC info@assimedici.eu
Partita Iva e Codice Fiscale 07626850965 - Iscrizione RUI B000401406 del 12.12.2011 - Capitale Sociale 50.000,00 i.v.